This is a restaurant we like. A lot. I called it a restaurant but it’s not. More like we call, in Portuguese, “uma casa de petiscos”. A petiscos house. And what a heck is “petiscos”? Well, you know what Spanish tapas are? Petiscos it’s a similar concept. Slightly larger portions and people make a whole meal out of petiscos. And there is no better place to eat petiscos than in Tasca do João, although there are a few options I will mention later on.

As I heard, João, the owner, made a career as a chef in a well known hotels chain. Not saying he did, but I was told so. Now you will find him serving the tables of his own place, a place which was born out of his dreams.

Tasca do João is an intimist place, perfect for a romantic evening. He decided to keep big groups out. In fact, most of the tables there are for two persons. And there is one for four. The decoration is pleasant, adequate to create the right atmosphere. If I remember correctly there is a soft music in the background, perhaps jazz. Excuse me, I’ve been there quite a few times, but the food takes over my senses and I can’t recall exactly the music being played.

There are plenty of options in the menu, including enough choices to keep a vegetarian soul busy for the evening. Wine is one of the strong spots of the house and João is the right person to advise you about the right choice for the meal.

How about the prices? Perfectly reasonable. Depending on how much food you will have, expect to pay about 15 Euros for a meal with a soft drink. A bit more with wine. But it will be memorable.

In the hot summer evenings there are tables available outside.



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